K-12 Enrollment During School Closures
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We will continue to implement our school uniform policy. This is a revised policy as of August 2024. Adherence to the ID and uniform policy is required for attendance at Hughes. There is no doubt that the uniform policy reduces student misbehavior and allows us to focus on providing a meaningful instructional program for all students. Thank you for your support in our efforts to provide a safe and orderly environment.
- Students must wear solid light blue, navy, or white collared shirts. Note: Plaids, stripes, sheer material or other designs will not be allowed. No sheer blouses that reveal undershirts are allowed.
- Navy blue pants, just above the knee shorts (2-4" above the knee) or skirts are permitted. Dark blue jeans may be worn provided they are in good condition and free of logos and designs (no frays, tears, holes, etc.). Students may not wear sweats or athletic wear.
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- Only white, blue, black, or gray undershirts may be worn.
HLO Technical Support Resources
Summer Crafts, Fitness and More (WRAP)
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Fireworks are Illegal in Long Beach
Thoughts from Retiring Supt. Steinhauser